My Name is Sebastian.

I am a Web Developer with a passion for the Quality of my Code.
Welcome to my curriculum vitae.
About Me
Quality is at the root of my coding philosophy. Specific coding tools come and go, but quality coders with a quality work ethic are always of value to a business.
It is my aim to build the highest quality websites and apps attainable today, which can only be achieved by custom-made design and hand-coded development.
I enjoy coding; it is a skill that I have honed on my own, without expecting to be paid for it at first. Since my work is now valued enough to warrant payment, I take it so that I can earn a living doing something I love.
I also enjoy reading, traveling, listening to good music, writing, cooking vegan, swimming and playing chess.
Key Skills
Experience using coding tools and technologies including JavaScript (ES6), PHP, and frontend markup languages HTML5 and CSS3.
Version Control
Experience using Git distributed version control system, allowing for the tracking of changes throughout a project's history.
Accessibility and Usability
Knowledge of Web standards and usability evaluation techniques, allowing for the creation of sites that work across multiple browsers and devices, for people of all abilities.
Test-Driven Development
Knowledge of test-driven development techniques, which allow for projects that avoid technical debt, and ensure future updates don't break existing functionality.
CMS and Frameworks
Experience using frameworks Angular 5 and Ionic 3 to build web and mobile apps, and hand-coding custom websites for the CMS platform Wordpress.
Continuous Integration and Deployment
Knowledge of continuous integration and deployment processes, allowing for projects that are built and tested to always be releasable, with every successful build going to production.
Meteorologist for the National Administration of Meteorology
- Bucharest, Romania
- August 2016 - August 2017
My work was predominately operative and consisted of:
• Monitoring the variation of weather over Romanian and European territory.
• Elaborating short and medium range forecasts for Romania and Europe.
• Issuing warnings for hazardous phenomena and extreme weather events.
• Elaborating specialized forecasts for mass media and other customers.
• Used specialized programs for archiving observation data and querying databases.
Freelance Web Developer
- Wiesbaden, Germany
- August 2017 - Present
For most projects, my workflow takes the following course:
1) Defining the goal and audience.
2) Planning the content, visual hierarchy, navigation and structure.
3) Sketching ideas for the overall appearance and functionality.
4) Designing and developing in the browser.
5) Optimizing for performance and search engine rankings.
6) Launching via a host server.
7) Maintaining with updates.
Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science (BS)
- University of Bucharest
- 2013 - 2016
I have a broad spectrum interest in the natural world, so a college that combines many fields of knowledge seemed to be an appropriate choice for my education. It did teach me how to find information that I am looking for, and how to integrate it into a coherent whole.
Since before college, I had an interest in computer science sparked by my desire to understand certain computation-theoretic models of physics. This had promted me to take several computer science crash courses, and read a couple of related books.
During college, I found interest in the graphics software GIS, Geographic Information System, and in the last year of college I attempted my first coding project, for which I was not yet prepared. The challenge it provided led me to learn and grow fond of Web Development.
Web Development
- Self-Taught
- 2017 - Present
As part of my interest in web development, I started out with a few skill courses on Codecademy, continued with some premium Udemy courses, and expanded my exploration to such online resources as the Eloquent JavaScript book and Todd Motto's courses at Ultimate Angular.
Learning to code was a highly positive time in my life, and allowed me to gain a wealth of web development skills, in addition to learning project management, planning and research techniques. Among the courses taken, I particularly enjoyed:
- Advanced CSS & Sass - Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!, which felt like drinking true, quality, well-aged CSS wine, with a fancy flex-box of fine Sass-chocolates, and the bezstier Grid-e oranges.
- Git a Web Developer Job - Mastering The Modern Workflow, which brought me up to date with the best tools and practices of modern web development, including Git, modular file architecture, Gulp, automation builds, and Webpack 4.
- The Complete Javascript Course - Build Real-World Projects, which covered many topics from the very bottom to the very peaks of JavaScript, and then soared above and beyond to provide a survey of the modern workflow that surrounds it.
- Angular Ultimate Package, which covered in-depth the Angular Framework, NGRX State Management and TypeScript, and helped vastly improve my frontend development skills.
Projects is an online art gallery to exhibit the artwork of a gifted artist. It was built to encourage a budding artist to share her beauty with the world. That artist is now my wife; it looks like someone was impressed with it ;).
An understanding of the personality and needs of my customer were paramount to designing it. A good knowledge of BEM architecture and SCSS were useful in coding it. An improved ability to search for new techniques to accomplish the goals and to find solutions to problems encountered along the way was its reward.
You can view source on GitHub. The readme provides additional information.
If you like what you see and want to benefit from my services, you can contact me via any of the social networks listed below, or by telephoning me using +40 726 603 558 or you can email me.